The Victory Body Project
Slider photos by my collaborator, Wes Klain – Just a beginning!
For many more body portraits of a wide array of new participants, stay tuned!
“Victory” photographed in 1973 by Margaretta K. Mitchell, Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
Interested in supporting the Victory Body Project?
Want to learn more?
Please reach out!
Whatever the shape, size, color, age, condition, dis/ability I want to photograph and talk to you about your unique body journey!
The April 14th and 15th shoot in Los Angeles was phenomenal. Hopefully, with funding, we will do another one in LA in the Fall with other locations to be announced. Stay tuned!
The Body As Autobiography
Each of us is a singular story writ in flesh and blood and bone. That story is expressed in shape and movement, freedom and inhibition, pain and pleasure.
The purpose of this multi-media project is to portray and celebrate how our bodies form our lives and our lives form our bodies.
Our bodies (and our concept of them) are sculpted by so many factors: our ancestry, skin color, gender, economics, abilities, judgements of beauty, and experiences of trauma. Bodies carry our entire lived experience and the meaning we make of it. In turn, our bodies continually reshape how we live. It is a continuous circle, a seamless reciprocity.
This project, through photographs and video interviews, seeks to illuminate how we live and feel being our bodies, both profoundly alike and absolutely individual.
Regardless of the diversity of our bodies and of our experiences, or how much disparity or conflict is between us, the human body is one thing we ALL have in common.
However judged, conflicted, damaged or scarred, our bodies are also all victorious… resilient, self-healing, absolutely brilliant.
Come share the story of your body – its challenges and victories – and expand into a greater awareness of y/our common humanity.
If you would like to participate or support this project with your body, expertise, and/or funding, please let me know! I've got big plans for it! Let’s discuss it!
2023-24 © Alison Mezey. All rights reserved.
*This project is inspired by my thesis at Wellesley College and the iconic photograph, “Victory” taken by Margaretta K. Mitchell in 1973 at The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco inspired by Isadora Duncan dance.
It is Margaretta’s photo (ABOVE left) that is also the basis of my logo gracing my home page and beyond. To go to her home page, click here.
To see more brilliant work by The Victory Body Project’s photographer, Wes Klain, click here!
This project is dedicated to my mentor of mavericks, Dean Pamela Daniels, at Wellesley College where this full circle began.