My mission (and this website) would still be in scattered pieces if it weren’t for master business-meets-existential coach, Rachel Fell. She’s a one-of-a-kind brilliant, neurodivergent, intricately-attuned guide and advocate of we color-outside-the-lines folks.
It’s thanks to Rachel that I was able to corral my multi-faceted professional experience, thoughts, and aspirations and chart them up into do-ability. Honing the whole greater than the sum of all my parts and then splicing them into component get-’er-dones while always lovingly making sure the rubber keeps sliding down the road – that’s so Rachel.
Simply put, she is the finest of gem cutters whose business and marketing skills, psychological and spiritual insights, big-hearted care and fierce compassion is making my business, projects, purpose (and person) into the jewels I have always envisioned.
And she is a genius at editing, too (she hasn’t worked her magic on this bit - can’t you tell?). Thanks to Rachel, my expansive writing and let-me-make-sure-I-express-it-all-even-if-it’s-too-much is far more streamlined into much clearer, cleaner, metabolisable verbal nutritional value.
You’re the (light) bomb, Rachel. Thank you, thank you for helping me finally get my hard work and congruent vision out into the world!