About Ali
Ali Mezey is a pioneer in body-based modalities. She’s a practitioner, educator, and facilitator of individual and group transformation.
For over four decades, Ali has worked with thousands of individuals to tap into the innate healing power of their somatic intelligence.
Melding vast professional experience in massage therapy, Constellation Work, and sexological and sobriety counseling, Ali is on a mission to help humans inhabit their embodied wholeness for the benefit of individual and collective healing.
Personal geometry® & Constellation Work

Personal Geometry®
Personal Geometry® is a highly effective methodology that allows practitioners and clients to physically see, feel, and transform the personal and systemic patterns that form our relationships with self and others.
Adapted from Family Constellation Work, Personal Geometry focuses on the body as the epicenter of the field. Personal Geometry gives the body an easy language to communicate all that it knows by externalizing body maps and relational schemas through mat work and spatial relationship.
The new perspectives that come from this body-centered, client-centered approach can be life-changing.
Personal Geometry® is Ali’s ode to Constellation Work, body-first – focused on the meaning embedded in body mapping. Collaboratively, practitioners and clients see/feel how relationships are mapped in both personal and family bodies. From there, clients discover their agency to repattern the maps by which they live and love.

Massage Therapy
With over 40 years of experience in massage and body therapy, Ali is a master massage practitioner and educator. Ali offers body therapy services in Los Angeles and is available for house calls, studio/on-location productions, and special events. Travel by arrangement.
If you’re interested in booking Ali’s world-class body therapy services, feel free to reach out!
Innate Body Brilliance

Reclaim Your Brilliant Body
Somatic intelligence is intelligence that is all too often ignored, boxed out, or missed entirely. Yet miracle that is the human body – YOUR human body – carries information and insights that are profoundly revelatory.
The more inclusive we are in our definition of intelligence, the more whole we can become. The more we are able to move our consciousness through our flesh, the more we are able to tap into the truth and healing power of who we are.
Ali’s body-based methods are all about teaching bodies how to increase sentience, to follow awareness into the subconsciousness of tissue and intuitive knowing; to re-ignite the experience of inner unity and access all the wisdom our bodies have to offer ourselves, each other, and the planet at this crucial time.

Get in Touch
Connect with Ali for:
Personal Geometry® and Constellation Work: one-one sessions, group sessions, training, speaking, and educational partnerships
Creative media opportunities: Ali facilitates exploration and understanding of somatic intelligence and body brilliance
Massage Services by request